Chinese President Urges International Community to Work Together Regarding CA069

Xinhua News| Reported by Jessica Neal

Earlier this morning, the President of the People’s Republic of China condemned ‘the illegal and unjust actions of the UNSC yesterday in regards to CA069’.

The outrage was directed at the complete disregard by the USA to give jurisdiction to Chinese investigators to investigate the crash site.

The delegate for China pleaded to allow the authorisation to install peacekeepers in the area of Waziristan, Pakistan, under Chapter VII.

“This is important considering the area is controlled by groups who refuse to accept the authority of the Security Council and the United Nations in general”, the President stated in an earlier press release.

It appears that historical grievances are clouding the judgement of certain nations in supporting the investigation and reconciliation of the most recent international crisis.

China is supportive of working multilaterally in combating acts of terrorism, such as which occurred to flight CA069.

The Chinese government does not support the notion presented by the Sydney Morning Herald that local authorities such as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda (internationally considered hostile entities) are sufficient enough or reliable for dealing with this situation.

Nor should any other nation.

Solidarity is key in our globalising world and the Chinese Government has urged members of the UNSC and the United Nations as a whole to work together as it has previously regarding the Malaysian Airline attack in Ukraine earlier this year.

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