UNHRC protects women and children

Sydney Morning Herald // Katherine Voukidis

Despite a general consensus that women and children should be protected, the UNHRC is struggling to agree on an approach to take, and the capacity of the UN to implement any approach.

The United States of America proposed two amendments to the Draft Resolution this morning, calling for the protection of women and children through the provision of shelters, accountability for those who abuse, and for access to education.

The delegate for the USA stated there is a “clear indication a gender dichotomy exists” in Gaza.

India suggested the UN lacked the capacity to adequately address this issue, and was met with backlash from the USA, who stated it was ironic in the circumstances, as the USA had already proposed extensive financial assistance, unlike other states.

PLO expressed concerns that “the shelters are not always a safe place for women”, and that an amendment should be introduced to ensure that they are safe. No such amendment has been introduced at time of writing.

In summary, the amendments were passed with the support of most states, suggesting the UNHRC is on the way to passing a resolution.

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